JHipster modules and blueprints are a great way to add more features and functionality to your generated code. There are many modules (55 at the time of writing) available to choose from in the JHipster marketplace (http://www.jhipster.tech/modules/marketplace), and you can also build your own modules to suit your needs. Some of the modules worth noticing are as follows:
- Ignite JHipster: This provides a React Native boilerplate for JHipster apps. An ideal way to kickstart your React Native application using JHipster as the backend.
- Entity Audit: This module enables entity audits. It uses Hibernate audit hooks to create a custom audit for entity CRUD operations. It also provides Javers as the auditing mechanism instead of the custom Hibernate auditing. It also provides a nice UI to view the audits in an Angular application. It will enable auditing for new...