- Aastra phones / Aastra phones
- accountcode variable / User features
- ACD / Groups of users
- ACL / Configuring event socket settings
- ACL (Access Control Lists) / Demystifying NAT settings in FreeSWITCH
- actions
- about / Actions and anti-actions, Actions, Putting it all together
- addBody($value) / addBody($value)
- addHeader($header_name, $value) / addHeader($header_name, $value)
- admin name / Hard phones
- admin password / Hard phones
- advanced IVR concepts
- about / Advanced IVR concepts
- database connections, LuaSQL used / Connecting to a database with LuaSQL
- web call. making / Making a web call with curl
- Lua patterns / Lua patterns versus regular expressions
- regular expressions / Lua patterns versus regular expressions
- advanced routing
- about / Advanced routing
- Aleg / Call legs and channel variables
- A leg
- about / Important concepts to understand
- ALG (Application Layer Gateway) / The four pitfalls of NAT
- alone-sound / Conference profiles
- announce-count parameter / Conference profiles
- answer application / answer
- anti-actions
- about / Actions and anti-actions
- API / api
- api($command[, $arguments]) / api($command[, $arguments])
- api command / api
- application module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- APPLICATION parameter / mod_dptools
- Application Programming Interface (API) / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- APR / Step 2 – run the configure script
- asr-engine / playback
- asr-grammar / playback
- Asterisk
- migrating from, to FreeSWITCH / Getting started
- starting / Starting and stopping Asterisk or FreeSWITCH
- stopping / Starting and stopping Asterisk or FreeSWITCH
- debugging / Asterisk
- configuration files / Configuration files
- SIP phones / Two SIP phones
- voicemail / Asterisk
- async keyword / Events from the Dialplan
- about / The demonstration configuration
- audio content encryption
- about / Protecting audio
- SRTP, encryption with / Encryption with SRTP
- SRTP, enabling / Enabling SRTP
- ZRTP, encryption with / Encryption with ZRTP
- auth <password> / auth <password>
- authentication / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- authorization / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- auto-record parameter / Conference profiles
- Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- AVPs / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- B2BUA / SIP profiles and user agents
- bad-pin-sound / Conference profiles
- basic Lua syntax
- about / Basic Lua syntax
- beep-file / record
- bgapi($command[, $arguments]) / bgapi($command[, $arguments])
- bgapi command / bgapi
- bind_digit_action command / mod_dptools
- bind_meta_app command / mod_dptools
- B leg
- about / Important concepts to understand
- about /
- break / break
- break flag
- about / Conditions
- break parameter
- on-false / Conditions
- on-true / Conditions
- always / Conditions
- never / Conditions
- bridge
- about / Important concepts to understand
- bridge application / bridge
- # character / Step 1 – edit modules.conf
- Call Detail Record (CDR) data
- about / Important concepts to understand
- caller-controls parameter / Conference profiles
- caller-id-name parameter / Conference profiles
- caller-id-number parameter / Conference profiles
- caller controls
- about / Caller controls
- caller profile variables
- about / Important concepts to understand
- callers
- connecting, to conference / Connecting callers to the conference
- callgroup variable / User features
- call leg
- about / Important concepts to understand
- call legs / Call legs and channel variables
- calls testing, for muliple phones
- about / Test calls for two or more phones
- another telephone, calling / Calling another telephone
- call, parking / Parking a call
- conference, calling / Calling a conference
- calls testing, for single phone
- Tetris extension / The Tetris extension
- echo test / Echo test, Demonstration IVR
- music on hold test / Music on hold, Demonstration IVR
- demonstration IVR menu / Demonstration IVR
- FreeSWITCH public conference / Demonstration IVR
- ClueCon / Demonstration IVR
- sample sub-menu / Demonstration IVR
- information application / The information application
- channel / Call legs and channel variables
- channel variables / Channel variables
- about / Important concepts to understand, Accessing channel variables
- accessing / Accessing channel variables
- and call setup / Channel variables and call setup
- chat module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- chat rooms
- on / Talking in real time via IRC
- in other languages / Talking in real time via IRC
- Chatzilla / Talking in real time via IRC
- check command / Check
- check_acl / Inline execution
- cidlookup / Inline execution
- CLI / Starting FreeSWITCH
- CLI (Command Line Interface) / Demystifying NAT settings in FreeSWITCH
- ClueCon / Demonstration IVR
- about / The first ClueCon, Introducing FreeSWITCH
- ClueCon open source developer conference
- about / The annual ClueCon open source developer conference
- URL / The annual ClueCon open source developer conference
- codec module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- Colloquy / Talking in real time via IRC
- comfort-noise parameter / Conference profiles
- command line interface
- used, for call making / Making calls from the command line interface
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- about / Putting FreeSWITCH to work
- FreeSWITCH, controlling through / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- commands
- executing, ESL used / Using ESL to execute commands
- conditions
- about / Conditions, Conditions
- condition tag / Important concepts to understand
- condition variables
- about / Special condition variables
- context / Special condition variables
- rdnis / Special condition variables
- destination_number / Special condition variables
- dialplan / Special condition variables
- caller_id_name / Special condition variables
- caller_id_number / Special condition variables
- ani / Special condition variables
- aniii / Special condition variables
- uuid / Special condition variables
- source / Special condition variables
- chan_name / Special condition variables
- network_addr / Special condition variables
- conference
- profile / conference
- *DATA* / conference
- active conferences, controlling / Controlling active conferences
- URL / Controlling active conferences
- conference-flags parameter / Conference profiles
- conference permission / Permissions
- conference profiles
- about / Conference profiles
- rate parameter / Conference profiles
- caller-controls parameter / Conference profiles
- auto-record parameter / Conference profiles
- interval parameter / Conference profiles
- energy-level parameter / Conference profiles
- member-flags parameter / Conference profiles
- conference-flags parameter / Conference profiles
- tts-engine parameter / Conference profiles
- tts-voice parameter / Conference profiles
- pin parameter / Conference profiles
- max-members parameter / Conference profiles
- caller-id-name parameter / Conference profiles
- caller-id-number parameter / Conference profiles
- comfort-noise parameter / Conference profiles
- announce-count parameter / Conference profiles
- suppress-events parameter / Conference profiles
- sound-prefix parameter / Conference profiles
- custom sounds / Conference profiles
- muted-sound / Conference profiles
- unmuted-sound / Conference profiles
- alone-sound / Conference profiles
- enter-sound / Conference profiles
- exit-sound / Conference profiles
- kicked-sound / Conference profiles
- locked-sound / Conference profiles
- is-locked-sound / Conference profiles
- is-unlocked-sound / Conference profiles
- pin-sound / Conference profiles
- bad-pin-sound / Conference profiles
- perpetual-sound / Conference profiles
- moh-sound / Conference profiles
- max-members-sound / Conference profiles
- configuration files
- FreeSWITCH / Configuration files
- Asterisk / Configuration files
- confirm-key attribute / confirm-key
- confirm-macro attribute / confirm-macro
- connected() / connected()
- contexts
- about / Important concepts to understand, Contexts, Contexts
- default / Default
- public / Public
- features / Features
- public context / Contexts
- internal context / Contexts
- continue / continue
- curl / Inline execution
- custom events / Multi-party conferencing
- @domain parameter / Dialstring formats
- daemon / Running FreeSWITCH in the background
- database queries
- about / Database queries
- database table
- about / Database tables
- creating, for PostgreSQL / Creating the database table for PostgreSQL
- creating, for MySQL / Creating the database table for MySQL
- deaf / Conference profiles
- debugging
- Asterisk / Asterisk
- delHeader($header_name) / delHeader($header_name)
- demo IVR
- in HTTAPI / The demo IVR – in HTTAPI
- demonstration configuration
- about / The demonstration configuration
- demonstration IVR menu / Demonstration IVR
- design, FreeSWITCH
- about / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- development branch / Downloading the source
- dial
- context / dial
- Dialplan / dial
- caller-id-name / dial
- caller-id-number / dial
- *DATA* / dial
- dial-set-context permission / Permissions
- dial-set-Dialplan permission / Permissions
- Dialplan
- about / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- overview / Dialplan overview
- concepts / General Diaplan concepts
- contexts / Contexts
- conditions / Conditions
- actions / Actions
- Dialplan applications
- about / Important Dialplan applications
- bridge / bridge
- playback / playback
- say / say
- play_and_get_digits / play_and_get_digits
- ivr / ivr
- sleep / sleep
- answer / answer
- pre_answer / pre_answer
- hangup / hangup
- set / set
- transfer / transfer
- Dialplan elements, FreeSWITCH
- about / FreeSWITCH XML Dialplan elements
- Dialplan functions
- about / Dialplan functions
- real-time condition evaluation / Real-time condition evaluation
- string, conditioning / String conditioning
- database queries / Database queries
- SIP contact parameters / SIP contact parameters
- dialplan module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- Dialplan processing
- working / How Dialplan processing works
- Dialstring formats
- about / Dialstring formats
- DID / Public
- Digest authentication / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- digest authentication / SIP settings
- digit-len attribute / digit-len
- digit-timeout / playback, record
- directory / Working with the FreeSWITCH user directory
- directory module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- disconnect() / disconnect()
- dist-dtmf / Conference profiles
- divert_events / divert_events
- domain / Working with the FreeSWITCH user directory
- ** + extension number / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 0911, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 0912, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 0913, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 1000 - 1019, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 2000, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 2001, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 2002, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 3000 - 3399, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 5000, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 5900, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 5901, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 6000, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 6001-6099, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 7243, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9178, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9179, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9180, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9181, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9182, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9183, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9184, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9191, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9192, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9195, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9196, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9197, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9198, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- 9664, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- easyroute / Inline execution
- eavesdrop command / mod_dptools
- echo test / Echo test, Demonstration IVR
- effective_caller_id_name variable / User features
- effective_caller_id_number variable / User features
- encryption, VoIP
- about / Encryption
- signaling / Encryption
- media / Encryption
- endconf / Conference profiles
- endpoint module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- endpoint modules
- about / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- endpoints
- about / Alternative endpoints
- Skype endpoint / Skype and GSM endpoints
- GSM endpoint / Skype and GSM endpoints
- mod_skypopen module, Skype with / Skype with mod_skypopen
- mod_gsmopen, GSM with / GSM with mod_gsmopen
- TDM, with FreeTDM / TDM with FreeTDM
- energy-level parameter / Conference profiles
- enter-sound / Conference profiles
- enum / Inline execution
- error() function / Scripting tips
- error-file / playback
- about / Event Socket Library
- supported libraries / Supported libraries
- object / ESLObject
- event object / ESLevent object
- ESLconnection object
- about / ESLconnection object
- new($host, $port, $password) / new($host, $port, $password)
- new($fd) / new($fd)
- socketDescriptor() / socketDescriptor()
- connected() / getInfo()
- send($command) / send($command)
- sendRecv($command) / sendRecv($command)
- bgapi($command[, $arguments]) / bgapi($command[, $arguments])
- sendEvent($send_me) / sendEvent($send_me)
- recvEvent() / recvEvent()
- recvEventTimed($milliseconds) / recvEventTimed($milliseconds)
- filter($header, $value) / filter($header, $value)
- events($event_type,$value) / events($event_type,$value)
- execute($app[, $arg][, $uuid]) / execute($app[, $arg][, $uuid])
- executeAsync($app[, $arg][, $uuid]) / executeAsync($app[, $arg][, $uuid])
- setAsyncExecute($value) / setAsyncExecute($value)
- setEventLock($value) / setEventLock($value)
- disconnect() / Events in practice
- ESLevent object
- about / ESLevent object
- serialize([$format]) / serialize([$format])
- setPriority([$number]) / setPriority([$number])
- getHeader($header_name) / getHeader($header_name)
- getBody() / getBody()
- getType() / getType()
- addBody($value) / addBody($value)
- addHeader($header_name, $value) / addHeader($header_name, $value)
- delHeader($header_name) / delHeader($header_name)
- firstHeader() / firstHeader()
- nextHeader() / nextHeader()
- ESL object
- about / ESLObject
- eslSetLogLevel($loglevel) / eslSetLogLevel($loglevel)
- ESLconnection object / ESLconnection object
- ESL scripts
- versus built-in languages / Using ESL to execute commands
- eslSetLogLevel($loglevel) / eslSetLogLevel($loglevel)
- eval / Inline execution
- event / Inline execution
- event-based modules
- about / Event-based modules
- mod_event_socket / mod_event_socket
- event category / General overview
- event command / event
- event handlers / Event system architecture
- event handlers module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- events
- sending / Sending events
- from Dialplan / Events from the Dialplan
- mod_event_multicast / mod_event_multicast
- events($event_type,$value) / events($event_type,$value)
- event sending, examples
- phone lights, sending / Setting phone lights
- phone lights, setting / Turn lights on
- phone, rebooting / Rebooting a phone
- phone reconfiguration, requesting / Requesting phone reconfiguration
- custom notify messages / Custom notify messages
- EventSocket (Python/Twisted)
- about / EventSocket (Python/Twisted)
- URL / EventSocket (Python/Twisted)
- Event Socket Library (ESL) / Supporting libraries
- Event Socket Library example / Event Socket Library example – running a command
- event system / Voicemail
- event system architecture
- about / Event system architecture
- event system commands, FreeSWITCH
- auth <password> / auth <password>
- api command / api
- bgapi command / bgapi
- event command / event
- noevents command / noevents
- divert_events command / divert_events
- filter command / filter
- filter delete command / filter delete
- sendevent / sendevent
- sendmsg <uuid> / sendmsg <uuid>
- execute command / execute
- hangup command / hangup
- nomedia command / nomedia
- log <level> command / log <level>
- nolog command / nolog
- linger command / linger
- nolinger command / nolinger
- event type / General overview
- example, Dialplan
- testing / Testing the example Dialplan
- calls, testing for single phone / Test calls for a single phone
- calls, testing for multiple phones / Test calls for two or more phones
- extension number, functions / Example Dialplan quick reference
- execute
- application / execute
- data / execute
- *DATA* / execute
- execute($app[, $arg][, $uuid]) / execute($app[, $arg][, $uuid])
- executeAsync($app[, $arg][, $uuid]) / executeAsync($app[, $arg][, $uuid])
- execute command / execute
- executing / How Dialplan processing works
- exit-sound / Conference profiles
- exit-sound attribute / exit-sound
- Exosip
- about / Introducing FreeSWITCH
- export / Inline execution
- versus set / Set versus export
- exposed functions
- about / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- extended-data permission / Permissions
- Extensible / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- extension
- about / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan, Important concepts to understand
- extension number
- functions / Example Dialplan quick reference
- extensions
- about / Extensions, Extensions
- conditions / Conditions
- external profile / SIP profiles and user agents
- 403-Forbidden / X-Lite soft phone
- Fail2Ban
- about / Fail2Ban
- configurations, filtering / Filter configurations
- Jail configurations / Jail configurations
- other considerations / Other considerations
- features context / Features
- file module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- filter / filter
- filter($header, $value) / filter($header, $value)
- filter delete / filter delete
- firstHeader() / firstHeader()
- flush command / Flush
- formats module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- Freenode
- URL / Talking in real time via IRC
- FreePyBX
- about / FreePyBX
- URL / FreePyBX
- module types / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- compiling, for Linux / Compiling FreeSWITCH for Linux/Unix/Mac OS X, Compiling FreeSWITCH
- compiling, for Windows / Compiling FreeSWITCH for Windows
- launching / Starting FreeSWITCH
- running, in background / Running FreeSWITCH in the background
- about / Important concepts to understand, Introducing FreeSWITCH
- controlling, with CLI / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- Dialplan elements / FreeSWITCH XML Dialplan elements
- general overview / General overview
- event system commands / FreeSWITCH event system commands
- console application / FreeSWITCH Console application
- event sending, examples / Examples of sending events to FreeSWITCH
- URL / Understanding the evolution of NAT
- on client side / FreeSWITCH on the client side
- uses, in NAT / Other creative uses of FreeSWITCH in a NAT situation, Conclusion
- passwords / Protecting passwords
- mailing lists / The FreeSWITCH mailing lists
- web page, URL / The FreeSWITCH main website and wiki
- wiki page, URL / The FreeSWITCH main website and wiki
- web page / The main FreeSWITCH page –
- wiki page / The FreeSWITCH wiki page –
- starting / Starting and stopping Asterisk or FreeSWITCH
- stopping / Starting and stopping Asterisk or FreeSWITCH
- debugging / FreeSWITCH
- configuration files / Configuration files
- voicemail / FreeSWITCH
- FreeSWITCH, compiling for Linux
- about / Step 1 – edit modules.conf
- edit modules.conf / Step 1 – edit modules.conf
- configure script, running / Step 2 – run the configure script
- Makefile, running / Step 3 – run the make and make install utilities
- modules.conf.xml, editing / Step 4 – edit modules.conf.xml
- sound files, installing / Step 5 – install sound and music files
- music files, installing / Step 5 – install sound and music files
- sound / Step 5 – install sound and music files
- FreeSWITCH, compiling for Windows
- about / Compiling FreeSWITCH for Windows
- user considerations / Important considerations for Windows users
- solution, MSVC/MSVCEE used / Building the solution with MSVC/MSVCEE
- FreeSWITCH environment
- setting up / Setting up the FreeSWITCH environment
- operating system / Operating system
- FreeSWITCHeR (Ruby)
- about / FreeSWITCHeR (Ruby)
- URL / FreeSWITCHeR (Ruby)
- FreeSWITCH public conference / Demonstration IVR
- FreeSWITCH user directory
- about / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- working with / Working with the FreeSWITCH user directory
- FreeTDM
- with TDM / TDM with FreeTDM
- about / The FreeSWITCH API (FSAPI)
- FSSocket (Perl)
- about / FSSocket (Perl)
- URL / FSSocket (Perl)
- fs_path field / Demystifying NAT settings in FreeSWITCH
- full keyword / Events from the Dialplan
- FusionPBX
- about / FusionPBX
- URL / FusionPBX
- <groups> elements / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- gateway
- about / Connecting to the world with gateways
- setting up / Setting up a new gateway
- calls, making / Making calls, Making calls without a gateway
- calls, receiving / Receiving calls
- getBody() / getBody()
- getHeader($header_name) / getHeader($header_name)
- getInfo() / getInfo()
- getType() / getType()
- getVar
- permanent / getVar
- name / getVar
- global variables
- about / Important concepts to understand, Global variables
- greet-long attribute / greet-long
- greet-short attribute / greet-short
- with mod_gsmopen module / GSM with mod_gsmopen
- GSM endpoint / Skype and GSM endpoints
- GUI / Text editors and XML
- hangup / hangup
- cause / hangup
- hangup application / hangup
- hard phone
- about / Configuring a SIP phone to work with FreeSWITCH
- IP address / Hard phones
- admin name / Hard phones
- admin password / Hard phones
- hard phones
- about / Hard phones
- Aastra phones / Aastra phones
- Polycom phones / Polycom phones
- Snom phones / Snom phones
- help command / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- syntax / HTTAPI syntax
- about / HTTAPI syntax
- child tags / HTTAPI syntax
- params / HTTAPI syntax
- variables / HTTAPI syntax
- work / HTTAPI syntax
- work actions / Work actions
- demo IVR / The demo IVR – in HTTAPI
- hunting phrase / Pitfalls to avoid
- IDE / Text editors and XML
- information application / The information application
- Inline execution
- about / Inline execution
- check_acl / Inline execution
- eval / Inline execution
- event / Inline execution
- export / Inline execution
- presence / Inline execution
- set / Inline execution
- set_global / Inline execution
- set_profile_var / Inline execution
- set_user / Inline execution
- sleep / Inline execution
- unset / Inline execution
- verbose_events / Inline execution
- cidlookup / Inline execution
- curl / Inline execution
- easyroute / Inline execution
- enum / Inline execution
- lcr / Inline execution
- nibblebill / Inline execution
- odbc_query / Inline execution
- input-timeout / playback
- inter-digit-timeout attribute / inter-digit-timeout
- interactive voice response (IVR) / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan, Voicemail
- internal context / Contexts
- internal profile / SIP profiles and user agents
- Internet Telephone Service Providers (ITSPs) / Sample setup – simple
- interval parameter / Conference profiles
- intruders
- detecting / Intrusion detection
- invalid-sound attribute / invalid-sound
- IP address / Hard phones
- IP authorization / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- IPv6 / Understanding the evolution of NAT
- about / Talking in real time via IRC
- clients / Talking in real time via IRC
- Chatzilla / Talking in real time via IRC
- IRSSI / Talking in real time via IRC
- Colloquy / Talking in real time via IRC
- mIRC / Talking in real time via IRC
- using / Talking in real time via IRC
- pointers / Talking in real time via IRC
- IRSSI / Talking in real time via IRC
- is-locked-sound / Conference profiles
- is-unlocked-sound / Conference profiles
- IVR / Important concepts to understand
- ivr application / ivr
- IVR engine
- overview / IVR engine overview, IVR engine overview
- menu definitions / IVR menu definitions
- menu destinations / IVR menu destinations
- calls, routing to / Routing calls to your IVR
- nesting / Nesting IVRs
- IVR XML configuration file / IVR XML configuration file
- Kazoo
- about / Kazoo
- URL / Kazoo
- KEY parameter / mod_dptools
- kicked-sound / Conference profiles
- /log command / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- language bindings
- about / Generating configurations dynamically with language bindings
- configurations, generating dynamically / Generating configurations dynamically with language bindings
- language modules
- about / Language modules
- languages module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- latest code
- building / Building from the latest code
- latest source project / Downloading the source
- lcr / Inline execution
- leg
- about / Important concepts to understand
- length / String conditioning
- libraries
- about / Supporting libraries
- Liverpie (Ruby) / Liverpie (Ruby)
- FreeSWITCHeR (Ruby) / FreeSWITCHeR (Ruby)
- Librevox (Ruby) / Librevox (Ruby)
- EventSocket (Python/Twisted) / EventSocket (Python/Twisted)
- FSSocket (Perl) / FSSocket (Perl)
- Vestec Automatic Speech Recognition / Vestec Automatic Speech Recognition
- Librevox (Ruby)
- about / Librevox (Ruby)
- URL / Librevox (Ruby)
- linger / linger
- LISTEN_TO parameter / mod_dptools
- Liverpie (Ruby)
- about / Liverpie (Ruby)
- URL / Liverpie (Ruby)
- locked-sound / Conference profiles
- log / Inline execution
- level / log
- clean / log
- log <level> / log <level>
- loggers module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- loops / playback
- Lua
- starting with / Getting started with Lua
- running, from Diaplan / Running Lua scripts from the Dialplan
- <match> node / Phrase Macro examples – voicemail
- Mac OS X / Mac OS X
- mailing lists
- URL / The FreeSWITCH mailing lists
- about / The FreeSWITCH mailing lists
- main registry / Important concepts to understand
- Makefile / Step 3 – run the make and make install utilities
- max-failures attribute / max-failures
- max-members-sound / Conference profiles
- max-members parameter / Conference profiles
- max-timeouts attribute / max-timeouts
- member-flags parameter / Conference profiles
- menu-back action / menu-back
- menu-exec-app action / menu-exec-app
- menu-play-sound action / menu-play-sound
- menu-top action / menu-top
- menu definitions, IVR
- about / IVR menu definitions
- greet-long attribute / greet-long
- greet-short attribute / greet-short
- invalid-sound attribute / invalid-sound
- exit-sound attribute / exit-sound
- timeout attribute / timeout
- inter-digit-timeout attribute / inter-digit-timeout
- max-failures attribute / max-failures
- max-timeouts attribute / max-timeouts
- digit-len attribute / digit-len
- tts-voice attribute / tts-voice
- tts-engine attribute / tts-engine
- confirm-key attribute / confirm-key
- confirm-macro attribute / confirm-macro, IVR menu destinations
- menu destinations, IVR
- menu-exec-app / menu-exec-app
- menu-play-sound / menu-play-sound
- menu-back / menu-back
- menu-top / menu-top
- milliseconds / pause
- mIRC / Talking in real time via IRC
- module, types
- endpoint module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- application module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- Application Programming Interface (API) / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- chat module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- codec module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- dialplan module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- directory module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- event handlers module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- file module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- formats module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- languages module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- loggers module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- say module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- Text-To-Speech (TTS) / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- timers module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- XML interfaces / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- mod_commands command
- about / mod_commands
- mod_conference configuration
- about / Multi-user conferencing, Configuration
- conference profiles / Conference profiles
- caller controls / Caller controls
- advertise section / Advertise
- XMPP events, sending / Sending and receiving XMPP events
- XMPP events, receiving / Sending and receiving XMPP events
- callers, connecting to / Connecting callers to the conference
- active conferences, controlling / Controlling active conferences
- mod_conference module
- about / Multi-party conferencing
- mod_dptools command / mod_dptools
- bind_meta_app command / mod_dptools
- bind_digit_action command / mod_dptools
- eavesdrop command / mod_dptools
- send_display command / mod_dptools
- mod_event_multicast / mod_event_multicast
- mod_event_socket / mod_event_socket
- about / mod_event_socket
- event socket settings, configuring / Configuring event socket settings
- events, reading / Reading events
- mnimum event information / Minimum event information
- mod_event_socket module / mod_event_socket
- mod_exosip SIP module
- about / Introducing FreeSWITCH
- mod_gsmopen module
- about / Skype and GSM endpoints
- Skype / Skype with mod_skypopen
- GSM with / GSM with mod_gsmopen
- mod_httapi configuration file
- about / mod_httapi configuration file
- permissions / Permissions
- exiting / Exiting
- data, storing across successive requests / Storing data across successive requests
- missed parameters / Some parameters are missing from some requests
- mod_nibblebill
- about / Nibblebill
- use cases / Use cases
- billing (pre-pay) / Billing (pre-pay)
- billing (post-pay) / Billing (post-pay)
- pay-per-call service billing / Pay-per-call service billing
- fraud, preventing / Maximum credit and/or fraud prevention
- design goals / Design goals
- enabling / Installation and configuration
- database tables / Database tables
- database tables, creating for PostgreSQL / Creating the database table for PostgreSQL
- database tables, creating for MySQL / Creating the database table for MySQL
- call, billing / Billing a call
- billing, default method / The nibble method (default)
- nibble billings, alternative for / An alternative to nibble billings
- example / Examples
- mod_nibblebill, examples
- rates per user, different / Different rates per user
- rates per user, single / Single rate for all users
- rates per area code, different / Different rates per area code
- rates per service delivery, different / Different rates per service delivery
- call hanging up, on balance depletion / Hang up the call when the balance is depleted
- API command / Application/CLI/API commands
- Application command / Application/CLI/API commands
- CLI command / Application/CLI/API commands
- check command / Check
- flush command / Flush
- pause command / Pause
- resume command / Resume
- reset command / Reset
- funds, adding / Adding and deducting funds
- funds, deducting / Adding and deducting funds
- session heartbeat, enabling / Enabling session heartbeat
- bill, B leg based / Bill based on B Leg only
- mod_skypopen module
- about / Skype and GSM endpoints
- URL / Skype with mod_skypopen
- mod_sofia command
- about / mod_sofia
- mod_xml_curl
- basics / The mod_xml_curl basics
- summary / The mod_xml_curl summary
- mod_xml_curl configuration / The mod_xml_curl configuration
- mod_xml_curl Dialplan / The mod_xml_curl Dialplan
- mod_xml_curl folder / The mod_xml_curl folder
- moh-sound / Conference profiles
- MSVC / Windows
- MSVCEE / Windows
- music on hold test / Music on hold, Demonstration IVR
- muted-sound / Conference profiles
- my_status variable / The FreeSWITCH API (FSAPI)
- 404-Not Found / X-Lite soft phone
- about / A brief introduction to NAT
- versus PAT / A brief introduction to NAT
- evolution / Understanding the evolution of NAT
- pitfalls / The four pitfalls of NAT
- settings, demystifying / Demystifying NAT settings in FreeSWITCH
- settings / Advanced options and settings
- advanced options / Advanced options and settings
- FreeSWITCH, uses / Other creative uses of FreeSWITCH in a NAT situation
- URL / FreeSWITCH on the client side
- network level protection
- about / Network level protection
- interfaces, separating / Separating interfaces and restricting traffic
- traffic, restricting / Separating interfaces and restricting traffic
- setup sample, simple / Sample setup – simple
- setup sample, complex / Sample setup – complex
- intruders, detecting / Intrusion detection
- registration, monitoring / Registration monitoring
- Fail2Ban / Fail2Ban
- new($fd) / new($fd)
- new($host, $port, $password) / new($host, $port, $password)
- new extension
- creating / Creating a new extension
- nextHeader() / nextHeader()
- nibblebill / Inline execution
- nibble method / The nibble method (default)
- nixevents / nixevents
- noevents / noevents
- nolinger / nolinger
- nolog / nolog
- nomedia / nomedia
- NOTIFY event / Sending events
- 4000 or *98, extension / Example Dialplan quick reference
- odbc_query / Inline execution
- offset / String conditioning
- onInput function / Even more conditions and looping
- OpenZAP
- about / Introducing FreeSWITCH
- operating system
- about / Operating system
- prerequisites / Operating system prerequisites
- operating system, prerequisites
- Linux/Unix / Linux/Unix
- Mac OS X / Mac OS X
- Windows / Windows
- originate command / Dialstring formats
- outbound_caller_id_name variable / User features
- outbound_caller_id_number variable / User features
- PARAMETERS parameter / mod_dptools
- params / HTTAPI syntax
- parsing / How Dialplan processing works
- parsing phrase / Pitfalls to avoid
- passwords
- about / Protecting passwords
- registration / Registration passwords
- voicemail passwords / Voicemail passwords
- versus NAT / A brief introduction to NAT
- pause
- milliseconds / pause
- name / pause
- error-file / pause
- digit-timeout / pause
- input-timeout / pause
- loops / pause
- terminators / pause
- pause command / Pause
- PCRE / Step 2 – run the configure script, Lua patterns versus regular expressions
- about / Regular expressions
- Perl Object Environment (POE) / FSSocket (Perl)
- perpetual-sound / Conference profiles
- Phrase Macro / greet-long
- Phrase Macros / Voicemail
- phrases
- using, with IVRs / Using phrases with IVRs
- Phrase Macros, calling / Calling Phrase Macros
- voicemail system / Phrase Macro examples – voicemail
- pin-sound / Conference profiles
- pin parameter / Conference profiles
- PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
- about / Encryption with ZRTP
- playback / playback
- file / playback
- name / playback
- error-file / playback
- digit-timeout / playback
- input-timeout / playback
- loops / playback
- asr-engine / playback
- asr-grammar / playback
- terminators / playback
- playback application / playback
- play_and_get_digits application / play_and_get_digits
- polycom phones / Advanced options and settings
- Polycom phones / Polycom phones
- POTS lines
- about / A revolution has begun and secrets have been revealed
- pre-processor
- about / The XML registry
- presence / Inline execution
- pre_answer application / pre_answer
- proxied / Dialplan overview
- ptime / Conference profiles
- public context / Contexts
- rate parameter / Conference profiles
- record
- file / record
- name / record
- error-file / record
- beep-file / record
- digit-timeout / record
- limit / record
- terminators / record
- recordCall
- limit / recordCall
- name / recordCall
- recvEvent() / recvEvent()
- recvEventTimed($milliseconds) / recvEventTimed($milliseconds)
- regex command / Regular expressions
- regex operator
- values / The regex operator
- all value / The regex operator
- any value / The regex operator
- xor value / The regex operator
- regular expression pattern-matching / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- regular expressions / Important concepts to understand
- about / Regular expressions
- reloadxml command / Adding a user, Groups of users
- reset command / Reset
- RESPOND_ON parameter / mod_dptools
- resume command / Resume
- RFC (request for comment) / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- RFC-1918 IP addresses
- URL / Demystifying NAT settings in FreeSWITCH
- about / Important concepts to understand
- sample sub-menu / Demonstration IVR
- say
- text / say
- name / say
- error-file / say
- digit-timeout / say
- input-timeout / say
- loops / say
- language / say
- type / say
- method / say
- gender / say
- terminators / say
- say application / say
- say module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- scripting tips
- about / Scripting tips
- send($command) / send($command)
- sendevent / sendevent
- sendEvent($send_me) / sendEvent($send_me)
- sendevent command / Sending events
- sendmsg <uuid> / sendmsg <uuid>
- sendRecv($command) / sendRecv($command)
- send_display command / mod_dptools
- serialize([$format]) / serialize([$format])
- service / Running FreeSWITCH in the background
- session*ready() method / Conditions and looping
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- session_id parameter / Storing data across successive requests
- set / Inline execution
- versus export / Set versus export
- set-params permission / Permissions
- set-vars permission / Permissions
- set application / set
- setAsyncExecute($value) / setAsyncExecute($value)
- setEventLock($value) / setEventLock($value)
- setInputCallback method / Even more conditions and looping
- setPriority([$number]) / setPriority([$number])
- set_global / Inline execution
- set_profile_var / Inline execution
- set_user / Inline execution
- show calls command / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- show channels command / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- settings / SIP settings
- digest authentication / SIP settings
- contact parameters / SIP contact parameters
- modifying / Registration monitoring
- SIP Endpoint module
- about / Important concepts to understand
- SIP phone
- configuring / Configuring a SIP phone to work with FreeSWITCH
- Asterisk configuration / Asterisk configuration
- FreeSWITCH configuration / FreeSWITCH configuration
- analysis / Analysis
- SIP profiles / SIP profiles and user agents
- SIP registrar / SIP settings
- SIP signalling
- about / Protecting SIP signalling
- encryption options, selecting / Choosing between encryption options
- SSL, encryption with / Encryption with SSL
- SSLV2/3, setting up / Setting Up SSLv2/3
- TLS, encryption with / Encryption with TLS
- SIP telephone
- about / The demonstration configuration
- Skype
- with mod_gsmopen module / Skype with mod_skypopen
- Skype endpoint / Skype and GSM endpoints
- slash command / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- sleep / Inline execution
- sleep application / sleep
- sms
- to / sms
- *DATA* / sms
- Snom phones / Snom phones
- socketDescriptor() / socketDescriptor()
- Sofia-SIP
- URL / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- Sofia SIP module / Understanding the FreeSWITCH user directory
- sofia_contact API command / Permissions
- soft phone
- about / Configuring a SIP phone to work with FreeSWITCH
- X-Lite soft phone / X-Lite soft phone
- software-based SIP softphone
- about / The demonstration configuration
- sound-prefix parameter / Conference profiles
- source
- downloading / Downloading the source
- speak
- about / speak
- text / speak
- name / speak
- error-file / speak
- digit-timeout / speak
- input-timeout / speak
- loops / speak
- engine / speak
- voice / speak
- terminators / speak
- about / Protecting audio
- encryption with / Encryption with SRTP
- enabling / Enabling SRTP
- encryption with / Encryption with SSL
- SSLV2/3 encryption
- about / Encryption with SSL
- setting up / Setting Up SSLv2/3
- stable source project / Downloading the source
- status command / The FreeSWITCH API (FSAPI), Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- string.gsub function / Making a web call with curl
- string conditioning
- about / String conditioning
- subclass / Multi-party conferencing
- suppress-events parameter / Conference profiles
- SWIG / Supported libraries
- 408-Timeout / X-Lite soft phone
- with FreeTDM / TDM with FreeTDM
- telephony revolution
- about / A revolution has begun and secrets have been revealed
- temp-action / Work actions
- terminators / playback
- Tetris extension / The Tetris extension
- text-only editors
- Emacs / Text editors and XML
- Vi/Vim / Text editors and XML
- Notepad++ / Text editors and XML
- Text-to-Speech (TTS) / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- TGML / Even more conditions and looping
- three-way call
- about / Important concepts to understand
- timeout
- about / Important modules – Endpoint and Dialplan
- timeout attribute / timeout
- timers module / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- encryption with / Encryption with TLS
- toll_allow variable / User features
- tone stream
- about / Important concepts to understand
- transfer application / transfer
- TTS / Step 1 – edit modules.conf
- tts-engine attribute / tts-engine
- tts-engine parameter / Conference profiles
- tts-voice attribute / tts-voice
- tts-voice parameter / Conference profiles
- unloop / How Dialplan processing works
- unmuted-sound / Conference profiles
- unset / Inline execution
- unstable branch / Downloading the source
- UPnP
- URL / FreeSWITCH on the client side
- URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) / Demystifying NAT settings in FreeSWITCH
- url parameter / mod_httapi configuration file
- user
- adding / Adding a user
- user agents / SIP profiles and user agents
- user features
- about / User features
- user groups / Groups of users
- user_context variable / User features
- var / String conditioning
- variables
- utilizing / Utilizing variables
- testing, with regular expressions / Testing variables with regular expressions
- caller profile fields / Caller profile fields
- channel variables / Channel variables
- global variables / Global variables
- passing, via call headers / Passing variables via call headers
- verbose_events / Inline execution
- version command / Controlling FreeSWITCH with the CLI
- Vestec Automatic Speech Recognition
- about / Vestec Automatic Speech Recognition
- URL / Vestec Automatic Speech Recognition
- about / VLANs
- vmname
- id / vmname
- name / vmname
- error-file / vmname
- digit-timeout / vmname
- input-timeout / vmname
- loops / vmname
- terminators / vmname
- voice applications
- building / Building voice applications
- simple IVR / A simple IVR – interacting with the caller
- conditions / Conditions and looping, Even more conditions and looping
- looping / Conditions and looping, Even more conditions and looping
- voicemail
- testing / Testing voicemail
- check / voicemail
- auth-only / voicemail
- profile / voicemail
- domain / voicemail
- id / voicemail
- in Asterisk / Asterisk
- in FreeSWITCH / FreeSWITCH
- accessing / Accessing voicemail
- voicemail, accessing
- Asterisk / Asterisk
- Voicemail application
- about / Voicemail
- voicemail passwords
- about / Voicemail passwords
- voicemail_message_count macro / Phrase Macro examples – voicemail
- VoIP
- encryption / Encryption
- VoIP Security
- network level protection / Network level protection
- SIP signalling / Protecting SIP signalling
- audio, protecting / Protecting audio
- passwords, protecting / Protecting passwords
- waste / Conference profiles
- Web GUIs
- about / Web GUIs
- FusionPBX / FusionPBX
- FreePyBX / FreePyBX
- /
- Kazoo / Kazoo
- web page / The main FreeSWITCH page –
- wiki page / The FreeSWITCH wiki page –
- Windows / Windows
- work / HTTAPI syntax
- work actions, HTTAPI
- about / Work actions
- action / Work actions
- temp-action / Work actions
- playback / playback
- vmname / vmname
- record / record
- pause / pause
- speak / speak
- say / say
- execute / execute
- sms / sms
- dial / dial
- recordCall / recordCall
- conference / conference
- hangup / hangup
- break / break
- log / log
- continue / continue
- getVar / getVar
- voicemail / voicemail
- X-Lite soft phone
- about / X-Lite soft phone
- XML Dialplan applications
- mod_dptools command / mod_dptools
- mod_sofia command / mod_sofia
- mod_commands command / mod_commands
- XML Dialplan cookbook
- about / XML Dialplan cookbook
- number call, matching by / Match by IP address and call a number
- IP address, matching by / Match by IP address and call a number, Match an IP address and Caller ID
- number, calling / Match by IP address and call a number
- caller ID, matching by / Match an IP address and Caller ID
- number and strip digits, matching / Match a number and strip digits
- registered device, calling / Call a registered device
- DIDs, routing to extensions / Route DIDs to extensions
- alternate outbound gateways / Alternate outbound gateways
- endpoints, with enterprise originate / Multiple endpoints with enterprise originate
- XML Dialplan module
- about / XML Dialplan module review
- extensions / Extensions
- conditions / Conditions
- condition variables / Special condition variables
- inline execution / Inline execution
- actions / Actions and anti-actions
- anti-actions / Actions and anti-actions
- regex operator / The regex operator
- nested conditions / Nested conditions
- XML interfaces / The FreeSWITCH design – modular, scalable, and stable
- XML registry
- about / The XML registry
- XMPP events
- sending / Sending and receiving XMPP events
- receiving / Sending and receiving XMPP events
- xor value / The regex operator
- URL / Choosing between encryption options
- about / Protecting audio
- encryption with / Encryption with ZRTP
- advantages / Encryption with ZRTP