Starting at the bottom
The client stated that we have a REST API available to us. In fact, they have other Ext JS applications to be built on top of this API and so we're lucky. The data is returned as JSON that can be easily consumed by
. The customer provided documentation on how the API operates:
API Endpoint: http://localhost:3000 GET /pages Accepts: n/a Returns: [{ id: 1, text: 'label', children: [] }, { id: 2, text: '', children: [] }] PUT /page Accepts: {"published":true,"stub":"our-work","body":"Our Work.","id":"5e30c0a3-729a-4719-a17f-7e2286576bda"} Returns: {"success":true} POST /page Accepts: {"label":"New Page","text":"New Page","leaf":true,"id":"Unsaved-1","parentId":"5e30c0a3-729a-4719-a17f-7e2286576bda","published":true,"stub":"new-page","body":"A New Page."} Returns: [{"clientId":"Unsaved-1","id":"2ae28c61-cc6e-4a98-83ee-f527f4b19f1e","text":"New Page","body":"A New Page.","published":true,"stub":"new-page","leaf":true}] DELETE /page Accepts: {"id":2} Returns:...