The BoxSelect extension
is a combobox, extended for more intuitive multiselect capabilities using individually labeled selected items, developed by Kevin Vaughan.
In the following screenshot you can see how multiple items are selected within a BoxSelect

In the following screenshot you can see how the selected values and the dropdowns are both configured via templates:

The following are some of the features of BoxSelect
Individually removable labeled items for each selected value.
Customizable item templates, in addition to combobox's support of customizable drop-down list templates.
Keyboard-based selection and navigation of selected values (left/right, Shift, Ctrl + A, Backspace, Delete).
On-demand loading of values from remote stores when an unknown value is set, that is, setting
queryMode = 'remote'
andforceSelection = true
.Creation of new value records for
forceSelection = false
.Configurable pinning of combo pick list for
multiSelect = true