Chapter 1, Understanding Gradle, teaches developers how to prepare Android Studio and its components for development. The developers will use Android Nougat 7.0 Edition for development.
Chapter 2, Exploring Android Studio Developer Tools, explains that over the years, Android Studio has received a lot of productivity updates. This chapter highlights how in-house tools will get the best of productivity while building restaurant discovery app features.
Chapter 3, Leap into Android Support Library, focuses on Android N. Understanding support library will offer a number of features that are not built into the framework. Using support libraries will provide backward compatibility with the previous versions, providing some useful UI element support.
Chapter 4, Google Play Services, enables developers to harness the latest APIs for Google services used in food discovery apps such as Google Maps and Google Login.
Chapter 5, Material Design, explains that material design is almost over two years old now. Understanding design principles and implementing them in the key features of the restaurant discovery app are covered in this chapter.
Chapter 6, SOLID Android Development and its Design Principles, informs the readers that Android apps often have complex interactions among application logic, UI views, data models and controllers, and networking. This calls for a strong architecture planout. In this chapter, there are more insights into SOLID Android architecture patterns.
Chapter 7, Understanding MVC, MVP, MVVM, and Clean Arch pattern, covers building a clean architectural pattern while building the app.
Chapter 8, Decision making, focuses on which is the development architecture followed while developing food discovery app and reasoning for the same.
Chapter 9, Performance Matters, we will discussed how performance, impacts the app quality, followed by in ways by which we can target different elements of app performance such as UI, and resources such as the battery. We also discussed the tools that we can use to improve the app performance.
Chapter 10, Building Restaurant finder, in this we will understand the core techniques of coding the different components and screens of the Zomato app by yourself. After reading these topics, you understood what are the components required to develop certain sections on a screen. Once you get a hold of these components, they can be reused in other screens with similar requirements.
Chapter 11, Backend Service, looks at the development life cycle as having three different phases: development, testing, and distribution. The first of these is building an app and having the stuff you need to develop and support the app, which we have done in the earlier chapters. The firebase will allow us to have the backend in place. It also sports Cloud Messaging, which lets you deliver messages and notifications reliably at no cost.
Chapter 12, App Quality Service, helps developers understand how Firebase’s services can assist developers improve app quality. Firebase Test Lab for Android enables developers to catch bugs before ship. The apps can be tested on physical devices hosted in Google’s data centers.
Chapter 13, Grow Up, says that Admob supports a number of engaging formats, including video, natics, and interstitial ads. This chapter will help developers understand ads, Firebase dynamic links, and app indexing.
Chapter 14, Testing, assists developers in testing the entire app flow and improving the tests of the app. It will also highlight the best practices for testing and supported tools.
Chapter 15, Preparing for Google Play, focuses on how to prepare the store listing for the app.
Chapter 16, Understanding App Store Analytics for Optimization, helps understand industry-followed best practices for App Store optimization.