As Elgg is a platform for building social networking sites, forming relationships is an essential capability. These relationships are called "friends" on Elgg, similar to Facebook, but they work more like "followers" on Twitter. It is a one-way relationship and does not require confirmation by the person being "friended".
A user can add a friend by visiting a person's profile and clicking on the Add friend link. The drop-down menu on a user's avatars can also be used to add friends. The user who is being "friended" is notified by an e-mail. Removing a friend works the same way except that the user is not notified.
A good place to look for other users is on the Members page. Navigate to this page by using the More tab in the site menu.

The members list can be sorted, by when people joined the site, who has the most friends, and who is currently online. The members page also has two search boxes: one for searching by profile field tags such as interests and location and the other for...