Recipe 73: Node-feed-item.tpl.php
Let's say that instead of removing a single link from the $links
array, as we did in Recipe 71, that we prefer to remove all of the links under the node. That is, we'll remove comments (if they were enabled), Read more, feed parent item, and the Source link. We just want the links gone, and we want the title, instead, to link directly to the craigslist post at (we'll keep taxonomy links if we have taxonomy terms).
Install and enable the Devel module.
Go to the theme directory, usually
. Copynode.tpl.php
is the name of our content type).Delete the part of the template file that prints the links. In most template files it will look like this:
<?php if ($links): ?> <div class="links"> <?php print $links; ?> </div> <?php...