Negative aspects of advocacy
Mark Heckler: I think you hit the big one with burnout. That's not necessarily burnout in terms of just having to get away because you can't take this anymore: it could also be in terms of the pace.
There are 27 things you could be doing at any one point in time. It could be seen as both a positive and a negative that there are 27 things you need to be doing. IÂ always tell people in our field that the good news is you'll never be bored. The bad news is you'll never catch up. I think if you let that loom over you, then it can really bother you.
Plenty of folks love the "Inbox Zero" idea. I'm not a huge devotee because I feel that then you're just obsessed with a number that may or may not be good or bad, depending on the context. Right now, the inbox that I have open is at 2,943 unread emails. Frankly, some of those emails are ones that have rolled in when I've been traveling. I probably...