Chapter 1, Introduction to OpenCV and Qt, goes through all the required initializations. Starting with from where and how to get Qt and OpenCV frameworks, this chapter will describe how to install, configure, and make sure that everything is correctly set in your development environment.
Chapter 2, Creating Our First Qt and OpenCV Project, takes you through the Qt Creator IDE, which we'll use to develop all of our applications. In this chapter, you'll learn how to create and run your application projects.
Chapter 3, Creating a Comprehensive Qt+OpenCV Project, goes through the most common capabilities required for a comprehensive application, including styles, internationalization, and support for various languages, plugins, and so on. Through this process, we'll create a comprehensive computer vision application ourselves.
Chapter 4, Mat and QImage, lays out the foundation and teaches you the basic concepts needed to write computer vision applications. In this chapter, you'll learn all about the OpenCV Mat class and the Qt QImage class, how to convert and pass them between the two frameworks, and a lot more.
Chapter 5, The Graphics View Framework, teaches you how to use the Qt Graphics View framework and its underlying classes in order to easily and efficiently display and manipulate graphics in an application.
Chapter 6, Image Processing in OpenCV, takes you through the image processing capabilities offered by OpenCV framework. You'll learn about transformations, filters, color spaces, template matching, and so on.
Chapter 7, Features and Descriptors, is all about detecting keypoints from images, extracting descriptors from keypoints, and matching them with each other. In this chapter, you'll learn about various keypoint and descriptor extraction algorithms and end up using them to detect and locate a known object inside an image.
Chapter 8, Multithreading, teaches you all about the multithreading capabilities offered by the Qt framework. You'll learn about mutexes, read-write locks, semaphores, and various thread synchronization tools. This chapter will also teach you about both the low-level (QThread) and high-level (QtConcurrent) multithreading technologies in Qt.
Chapter 9, Video Analysis, covers how to correctly process videos using Qt and OpenCV frameworks. You'll learn about object tracking using MeanShift and CAMShift algorithms and other video processing functionalities. This chapter also includes a comprehensive overview of all the essential and basic concepts for video processing, such as Histograms and back-projection images.
Chapter 10, Debugging and Testing, takes you through the debugging capabilities of the Qt Creator IDE and how it is configured and set up. In this chapter, you'll also learn about the unit testing capabilities offered by the Qt framework by writing example unit tests that can be run manually or automatically every time our project is built.
Chapter 11, Linking and Deployment, teaches you to build both OpenCV and Qt frameworks dynamically or statically. In this chapter, you'll also learn about deploying Qt and OpenCV applications on various platforms. At the end of this chapter, we'll create an installer using Qt Installer Framework.
Chapter 12, Qt Quick Applications, introduces you to Qt Quick Applications and the QML language. In this chapter, you'll learn about the QML language syntax and how to use it along with Qt Quick Designer to create beautiful Qt Quick Applications for desktop and mobile platform. You'll also learn about integrating QML and C++ in this chapter.