Determining your virtualization platform
Choosing your platform may impact your design decisions, including scalability, high availability, fault tolerance, and budget. With XenApp 7.5, you also have the option to host on-site or in the cloud. For on-site hosting, there are three primary products for server virtualization: XenServer, VMware vSphere, and Microsoft Hyper-V Server. For cloud hosting, you can use Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS.) As you can see in the following screenshot, XenApp 7.5 can connect to a variety of platforms for hosting resources:

Citrix Studio hosting connection options
Assuming our CIO has mandated on-site hosting, we need to determine our virtualization platform. For XenApp or XenDesktop deployments, the underlying virtualization platform technically does not matter. The Citrix desktop and application virtualization products are hypervisor agnostic. This means they can run equally well on XenServer, vSphere, Hyper-V, or even bare metal. In some environments...