Time for action - creating a Celtx comic book container
Okay, time to create our own Celtx comic book project container. We first make a directory on our computer to hold it.
In my case, I'm thinking about writing a comic book featuring that mighty superhero, Celtxman! By day a mild-mannered computer book writer, by night a lightning fast scripter able to leap tall metaphors in a single bound, fighter of grammar and spelling mangling gremlins, champion of scriptwriters everywhere! Celtxman, our hero. Anyway, I've created a Celtxman directory, as shown in the following screenshot:

Now, we open Celtx again (and a reminder, you do not have to close the instance of Celtx we already have open with the sample comic book project, more than one at a time runs nicely).
On the Splash screen (shown in the following screenshot), left click on Comic Book to open that type of project:

We get a new empty project ready for use with a new Comic Book script included and open for business, as shown in the following...