- aapt / A Java compiler
- activity_main.xml file
- about / The activity_main.xml file
- aidl tool / A Java compiler
- Android API Reference
- URL / The MainActivity class
- Android app
- about / What's in an Android app?
- APK files / APK files
- Gradle build process / A Gradle build process
- Java compiler / A Java compiler
- Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) / A Gradle build process
- Android Interface Definition Language / A Java compiler
- AndroidManifest.xml file
- about / The AndroidManifest.xml file
- URL / The AndroidManifest.xml file
- Android OpenGL ES API Guide
- URL / Introducing OpenGL ES 2.0
- Android project structure
- about / The Android project structure
- URL / The Android project structure
- Android SDK Getting Started page
- URL / The Android Studio user interface
- Android Studio
- about / Getting started with Android Studio
- installing / Installing Android Studio
- developers page / Installing Android...