Introducing Max 6, the graphical programming framework
Now, let me introduce you to the framework known as Max 6. This is a whole universe in itself, but I wanted to write some pages about it in this book because you'll probably come across it in your future projects; maybe you'll be a Max 6 developer one day, like me, or perhaps you'll have to interface your smart physical objects with Max 6-based systems.
The following is one of the patches of my 3D universe project with Max 6:
A brief history of Max/MSP
Max is a visual programming language for multimedia purposes. It is actually developed and maintained by Cycling '74. Why call it Max? It was named after Max Matthews (, one of the great pioneers of computer music.
The original version of Max was written by Miller Puckette; it was initially an editor named Patcher for Macintosh. He wrote it at The European Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM), an avant-garde science institute...