Using mobile views in documents
One of my favorite features and probably the most useful from a development perspective is the ability to show different objects (or the same object with different sizes) depending on the available space on the screen. Imagine having multiple documents loaded at the same time, one above the other, only the topmost is visible, and they flip when you rotate the screen. The most appropriate document for the screen size is visible, while the others remain in the background. So, we can define a single document with multiple views: for landscape iPad, portrait iPad, smartphone, and so on. MicroStrategy will try to match the space of the device to the closest available view. No need to tilt your head anymore!
Getting ready
We will create a double-view document and see the result on the iPad screen. You should have completed the previous recipes of this chapter to continue.
How to do it...
We start from the home page of our COOKBOOK project:
Click on Create Document, and...