Installing a remote management service
Now that we have prepared servers and the ability to create security certificates, let's look at the possibility of installing a secure remote management service for our servers. The best solution for this purpose is SSH.
SSH (short for Secure Shell) is a network application layer protocol that allows remotely managing operating systems and the tunneling of TCP connections (for example, to transfer files). It has similar functionality as telnet or rlogin, but unlike them, it encrypts all traffic, including transmitted passwords. SSH clients and SSH servers are available for most network operating systems.
While SSH is built-in in all Linux server distributions, Windows does not have it by default and we would like to install it in order to make our lab more complicated, which is always good for attack practicing.
There are several solutions in the software market, but in our laboratory we are using freeSSHd. Like its name says, freeSSHd is a free, simple...