What is a container?
After this short break, David starts again.
David: Okay, folks, it’s now time to talk about the second topic of this session: containers. What is a container in IT? But before giving you the answer, let us consider shipping containers.
David displays his next image:
Figure 12.8 – Shipping before containers (Source: Photo by Buonasera, at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hafenarbeiter_bei_der_Verladung_von_Sackgut_-_MS_Rothenstein_NDL,_Port_Sudan_1960.png, used under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)
You can see here how people used to ship goods, of any size and shape, many years ago. We all can imagine how tough it would be to move those goods around, and how challenging it would be to bring them onto ships. Let’s focus on a specific moment: when goods arrive at the destination. They must be unloaded from the ships, put on some kind of vehicle, and...