- accelerated-computing EC2 instance type, 123
- Acceptable Use Policy, 50, 61
- access keys, IAM and, 71–72
- ACLs (access control lists)
- object access, 244
- S3 (Simple Storage Service), 142–143
- Active Directory, 75
- Amazon Route 53, 180, 248. See also DNS (Domain Name System)
- domain name registration, 180–181
- edge locations, 58
- health checks
- calculated, 182
- CloudWatch alarms, 182
- Endpoint, 182, 248
- hosted zones, 181
- resource records, 180
- routing policies
- Failover, 181
- Geolocation, 182
- Latency, 181
- Multivalue Answer, 182
- Simple, 181
- Weighted, 181
- traffic flow and policies, 182
- AmazonS3FullAccess, 239
- AMIs (Amazon Machine Images), 120–121, 130, 232
- Amazon Linux, 121
- AWS Marketplace, 121, 122
- NVIDIA, 122
- Oracle, 122
- SAP, 122
- Community AMIs, 121
- creating, 123
- OSs (operating systems), 121
- Quick Start, 121, 242
- review question answers, 242–243
- RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
and, 121 - Ubuntu, 121
- Windows Server, 121
- AOC (Attestation of Compliance...