Building long-term and short-term roadmaps
Building an effective MVP allows you to get your iterative process of API development started. Although in the most basic sense, charging for access to an API is the most common method of making money off of it, there are actually quite a few different motivations for doing so.
APIs are granular, time-bound, high-value endeavors. Teams can work in parallel, which is beneficial to the company’s growth when different parts of the business are decoupled and packaged as clear, specialized APIs. APIs allow the company to reach a wider audience, which can lead to more sales, better customer service, and the discovery of new avenues for collaboration with other businesses in the industry.
In an API ecosystem, internal and external products and services can freely share and receive data from one another. The popularity of APIs as a measurement of consumer value is a sure bet. By themselves, API implementations help you better understand...