In the preceding use case, the columns are defined in a static representation using the p-column tag. There is another approach to represent columns inside a data table via dynamic columns. The table columns need to be instantiated as an array. The array will be iterated using the ngFor directive as shown here:
<p-dataTable [value]="basicBrowsers">
<div class="algin-left">
<p-multiSelect [options]="columnOptions" [(ngModel)]="cols">
<p-column *ngFor="let col of cols" [field]="col.field" [header]="col.header"></p-column>
The cols property describes the given column options within the component class:
this.cols = [
{field: 'engine', header: 'Engine'},
{field: 'browser', header: 'Browser'},
{field: 'platform', header...