Chapter 1
Pair Programming
Pair programmers: Keep each other on task. Brainstorm refinements to the system. Clarify ideas. Take the initiative when their partner is stuck thus lowering frustration. Hold each other accountable to the team's practices.
– Kent Beck
When I started my career, I worked on software for television broadcast, mainly developing computer graphics for sports, news, and so on. Unknowingly, I was up for a stressful challenge as I could never be late.
No matter what, the TV broadcast would go on air at the scheduled time, so software had to be ready. When deadlines were approaching, I remember drinking too many coffees over long nights, pairing with my friend Rui to deliver in time. When we were too exhausted to continue, we would take turns, having a nap under the desks.
The first time I read about pairing, I skipped the lesson, as it was nothing new to me. I had been doing it for many years. What could I possibly learn?