Creating a Texturing mask
In nature, snowy mountains melt upside down when they start to melt – meaning that the snow on the mountaintop is the last part of the snow to melt, and as a result of the melting snow, mud is created at the bottom. We will replicate this by creating a mask that allows us to merge the rocky snow and the mud naturally.
A mask is a grayscale texture that determines where and to what degree mixing occurs. Grayscale means black and white.
To create the mask, let’s select the landscape object, and then in Material Properties, select the Mountain material.
Then, make sure to disconnect all the nodes connected to Principled BSDF of the Mountain material, and please follow these instructions to create the mask:
- Add a Texture Coordinate node.
- Connect the Generated slot of Texture Coordinate to a Separate XYZ node.
- Connect Z on Separate XYZ to a ColorRamp node.
- Add a new handle to ColorRamp and color it red.