Search Should Be a Text Field with a Button Labeled “Search”
The search function has, over the years, been over-designed. One common anti-pattern is hiding search behind a control to activate it. Slowing the user down and adding an extra step might remove an input field from your view, but at the expense of familiarity and ease of use.
If you’re offering your users a search function, then show them a text field with a search button. If you’re using an icon, then use a “magnifying glass” icon. This is the archetype and using anything else no longer makes any sense.
Figure 17.1: The “gold standard”
The placeholder text (“type to search” in the above example) is a vital and often overlooked piece of UI copy. In a couple of well-chosen words, the UX designer can give valuable hints and context to the user. For example: “type to search” indicates to the user they’re searching...