This might sound like an exciting feature but what lies before us is the bigger question ‘Will the feature get misused?’ The next time if someone bullies a user on Telegram chat or sends something abusive or absurd. The victim probably won’t even have the proof to show it to others in the case, the attacker deletes them. Moreover, if a group chat involves a series of conversation and a user maliciously deletes a few messages, other users from the group won’t come to know. This way, the conversation might get misinterpreted and the flow of the conversation would get disturbed. The conversation might more look like a manipulated one and cause more trouble.
The traces available for criminals or attackers over this platform will get wiped off. It is giving control to the users but secretly opening the ways for malicious attacks.
WhatsApp’s unsend message feature seems better in this regard because it lets users delete their own messages and which also sounds legit. Also, when the message is deleted, users in the group chat or in the private chat get notified about it unlike how it works in Telegram.
The feature could also cause trouble in case the user accidentally end up deleting someone else’s message in the group or in private chat as the deleted message can’t even get recalled.
While talking about the misuse, Durov writes, “We know some people may get concerned about the potential misuse of this feature or about the permanence of their chat histories. We thought carefully through those issues, but we think the benefit of having control over your own digital footprint should be paramount.”
Few users are happy with this news and think that this feature can save them in case they accidentally share something sensitive. A user commented on HackerNews, “As a person who accidentally posted sensitive info on chats, I welcome this feature. I do wish they implemented an indication "message deleted" in the chat to show that the editing took place.”
Few others think that this feature could cause major trouble. Another user commented, “The problem I see with this is that it adds the ability to alter history. You can effectively remove messages sent by the other person, altering context and changing the meaning of the conversation. You can also remove evidence of transactions, work or anything else. I get that this is supposed to be a benefit, but it's also a very significant issue, especially where business is concerned.”
To know more, check out Telegram’s blog post.
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