GraphicsFuzz, the online graphics testing framework quietly went open source on Monday. There is no official announcement as of now and they are still transitioning to being open source. GraphicsFuzz was acquired by Google earlier this August.
GraphicsFuzz is a testing framework that automatically finds and simplifies bugs in graphics shader compilers. The tools currently manipulate GLSL shaders but other targets like SPIR-V, HLSL and Metal can also be tested directly. Google acquired GraphicsFuzz mainly for its mobile graphics card benchmarking
GraphicsFuzz finds bugs in the graphics drivers of a device by rendering families of semantically similar shaders. It looks out for discrepancies in rendering and similarities, a process known as metamorphic testing. A total of 15 tests are run and for each bug the reducer saves a lot of debugging time. It this by producing a simpler minimal-difference test case that is still able to expose the bug.
The testing process on an Android phone takes a couple of minutes and for some shades it asks the user if the two rendered images are similar.
The GitHub repository is under an Apache 2.0 license and there is not Commons Clause attached right now.
Note that the repository is a work-in-progress and not an officially supported Google product yet.
You can check out the GitHub repository.
Google buys GraphicsFuzz, bringing fuzzy logic and metamorphic testing to Android graphics drivers
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