In a post, Richard Stallman, President of the Free Software Foundation, said “People are sometimes discouraged from participating in GNU development because of certain patterns of communication that strike them as unfriendly, unwelcoming, rejecting, or harsh. This discouragement particularly affects members of disprivileged demographics, but it is not limited to them.” He further adds, “Therefore, we ask all contributors to make a conscious effort, in GNU Project discussions, to communicate in ways that avoid that outcome—to avoid practices that will predictably and unnecessarily risk putting some contributors off.”
Stallman encourages contributors to lead by example and apply the following guidelines in their communication:
Do not criticize people for wrongs that you only speculate they may have done. Try and understand their work. Please respond to what people actually said, not to exaggerations of their views. Your criticism will not be constructive if it is aimed at a target other than their real views. It is helpful to show contributors that being imperfect is normal and politely help them in fixing their problems. Reminders on problems should be gentle and not too frequent.
Treat other participants with respect, especially when you disagree with them. He requests people to identify and acknowledge people by the names they use and their gender identity. Avoid presuming and making comments on a person’s typical desires, capabilities or actions of some demographic group. These are off-topic in GNU Project discussions.
Avoid making personal attacks or adopt a harsh tone for a person. Go out of your way to show that you are criticizing a statement, not a person. Vice versa, if someone attacks or offends your personal dignity, please don't “hit back” with another personal attack. “That tends to start a vicious circle of escalating verbal aggression. A private response, politely stating your feelings as feelings, and asking for peace, may calm things down.”
Avoid arguing unceasingly for your preferred course of action when a decision for some other course has already been made. That tends to block the activity's progress.
Contributors are required to not raise unrelated political issues in GNU Project discussions.
The only political positions that the GNU Project endorses are that users should have control of their own computing (for instance, through free software) and supporting basic human rights in computing.
Stallman hopes that these guidelines, will encourage more contribution to GNU projects, and the subsequent discussions will be friendlier and reach conclusions more easily. Read the full guidelines on GNU blog.
People’s reactions to GNU’s move has been mostly positive.
Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman have been the fathers of the open source movement since its inception over twenty years ago. As such, these moves underline that open source indeed has a toxic culture problem, but is evolving and sincerely working to make it more open and welcoming to all to easily contribute to projects. We’ll be watching this space closely to see which approach to inclusion works more effectively and if there are other approaches to making this transition smooth for everyone involved.
Stack Overflow revamps its Code of Conduct to explain what ‘Be nice’ means – kindness, collaboration, and mutual respect.
Linux drops Code of Conflict and adopts new Code of Conduct.
Mozilla drops “meritocracy” from its revised governance statement and leadership structure to actively promote diversity and inclusion