Every UI Framework must provide the standard controls to design the application UI and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is one of them. WPF provides a set of standard controls and UI elements such as TextBlock, TextBox, Button, Image, various shapes, ProgressBar, Slider, various menus, Toolbar, ListBox, ComboBox, DataGrid, and more.
As you can see from the following diagram, UI controls can be of two types—ItemsControl and ContentControl, which inherit from Control class. All the panels available in WPF share the same base class Panel. The Control and Panel class have the base FrameworkElement, which again inherits from the UIElement. It has the base class as the DependencyObject and the superbase as the Object:
Every control has some common set of properties exposed. This includes FontFamily, FontSize, FontStyle, Foreground, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, and more. Every framework element exposes additional properties such as Width, MaxWidth, MinWidth...