Using distributed resource scheduling to balance cluster resources
The vSphere DRS determines the initial placement and balances resources across available host resources in a vSphere cluster. Virtual machine resources can be guaranteed or limited. Rules can be applied to keep virtual machines together on the same host or to ensure that virtual machines run on separate hosts.
How to do it…
Edit the settings of the vSphere cluster to enable vSphere DRS.
Select a value for the DRS Automation Level that should be applied to the DRS-enabled cluster.
Select a value for Migration Threshold that should be applied to the DRS-enabled cluster.
How it works…
vSphere DRS can be enabled when creating a new vSphere cluster or by editing the settings of an existing cluster:
When DRS is enabled, the DRS Automation Level and Migration Threshold is set to determine how DRS will place and migrate virtual machines between hosts in the cluster in order to balance the resources across all hosts in the cluster.
If Automation...