Accounting Batches
Earlier we reviewed the process of exporting contribution records and discussed the importance of that process if you need to import those records into your accounting software. CiviCRM's Accounting Batches provide an improved workflow for managing that export/import process, along with additional tools that will help facilitate data entry for contribution records.
The underlying principle of accounting batches is the need to work with a set of contribution records and to have the ability to strictly capture and store the set of records worked with. Because we're working with financial data, it is critical that we don't skip records or duplicate records, especially when we need to be transferring them to bookkeeping/accounting software. Batches let us easily work with multiple records at once (improving data entry efficiency) and keep track of the sets of records worked with.
There are two workflows for working with batches that we will review.
Batch Data Entry
As the name...