Creating the shooting behavior
Now, with a traditional first person shooter, we shoot a bullet from a gun to damage enemies. However, we will create a camera that will shoot pictures to damage enemies. To show how easy it is to do, let's get started! Perform the following steps:
The first thing we need to do is go to the FlashlightController object we created earlier. So, with it selected, double-click on it to center the camera on it.
Our camera weapon is going to be another object, which will be a child of the Main Camera object. To do this, first select the Main Camera object that is located on our FlashlightController object and then navigate to GameObject | Create Empty Child. Also, in the Inspector section for this newly created object, confirm whether the object's position is
. If it isn't, set it. Finally, name the objectPhoto Camera
. Have a look at the following screenshot:Next, add a camera component by clicking on the Add Component button at the bottom of the Inspector tab...