Finishing touches
In this section we will add some final polish to our game in order to make sure the player feels like they are playing a finished game. These extra flourishes may not be essential to gameplay, but will help to flesh out the game as a product.
We will look at:
Adding particles to the volcano in our Island scene
Adding a visual trail to the thrown coconuts in our Island scene
In Chapter 3, we built an island terrain with the terrain editor, including a corner of the island dedicated to a volcano mouth. To make this volcano seem a little more realistic, we'll add a plume of smoke and an audio source using a 3D sound in order to create a proximity-based sound of the volcano bubbling with molten lava. By adding both the audio and visual elements, we'll hopefully achieve a more dynamic and realistic feel to the island and maintain player immersion in our game.
Begin by creating a new particle system in Unity by clicking the Create button on the Hierarchy and choosing Particle...