Chapter 11: Gameplay and Screen Effects
When it comes to creating believable and immersive games, material design is not the only aspect we need to take into account. The overall feeling can be altered using screen effects. This is very common in movies, for instance, when colors are corrected in the post-production phase. You can implement these techniques in your games too, using the knowledge from Chapter 10, Screen Effects with Unity Render Textures. Two interesting effects are presented in this chapter; you can, however, adapt them to fit your needs and create your very own screen effect.
If you are reading this book, you are most likely a person who has played a game or two in your time. One of the aspects of real-time games is the effect of immersing a player in a world to make it feel as if they were actually playing in the real world. More modern games make heavy use of screen effects to achieve this immersion.
With screen effects, we can turn the mood of a certain environment...