The Importance of Special Characters
There are some serious consequences of this lack of special characters in the .pdf spreadsheet. In the .xls format, it is because of the xlstab special character that the alignment of columns can be precisely determined. And because the alignment of the columns can be determined, the context of the values in the spreadsheet can be determined. Again, it is absolutely mandatory that the context of the values on the spreadsheet be determined in order to move the spreadsheet data to the corporate database.
So the loss of special characters in the .pdf format has dire consequences for turning spreadsheet data into corporate data.
Does this mean that spreadsheets should never be placed into a .pdf image format? Well, if the spreadsheet is going to be used as corporate data, probably not. If at all possible, keep the spreadsheet out of a .pdf format.
However, if the spreadsheet has already been placed into a .pdf format, all is not lost. There...