In Summary
The data model is an abstraction of the data found in a system. The standard data model has three levels: the ERD level, the DIS level, and the physical level.
The model for spreadsheet data is the same as the model for standard corporate data, with one significant difference. When spreadsheet data and the data model differ, changes are made to the data model. In the case of corporate data, when the data model differs from corporate data, the corporate data is changed.
What if data from two or more spreadsheets need to be aligned? A simple method of resolution is to choose different data. An alternative is to algorithmically resolve the data, if possible. If no other solution works, disparate values can always be resolved through the creation of an index.
However the resolution is achieved, the resolution itself needs to become a part of the data model.
Changing data on spreadsheets is an important subject. Changes to spreadsheet data that involve light editing...