In this chapter, we covered a lot of information, so let's take a few minutes to summarize it. We discussed Basic and Smart Access modes, how they different in functionality, and that Smart Access mode uses Concurrent User licenses. We broke the rest of the chapter down into three sections.
In the NetScaler Gateway as a VPN section, we looked at the exchange that happens when a User launches a full VPN connection using a VPN client. We contrasted this with a Clientless VPN, before proceeding to discuss some troubleshooting tools and techniques for VPN connections, and how to capture debug information.
In the NetScaler Gateway integration with XenApp and XenDesktop section, we began by discussing the components involved. Before examining a XenDesktop session, we discussed the steps for enumeration and for published desktop launch. We then discussed the troubleshooting steps for each of these two phases.
In the NetScaler Gateway integration with XenMobile section, we discussed the components...