How to migrate content—faster than anyone else thought possible
Hold on to your hat! Not only I'll tell you how to bring existing content in, I'll tell you how to do it fast.
A shortcut to a successful migration
Before we take a plunge into Content Server tools, here's a really important topic to consider: Are you talking about just bringing existing content in or do you need a content migration? What's the difference? There's plenty. First, check out Content migrations.
Content migrations
A content migration is when you have one or more existing Content Management systems to consider. On the day of the migration, the old systems become obsolete and all of the content "magically" appears in the new system.
There may be some down time in between. There may also be a content freeze in the middle, when your old systems become read-only and you have the time to bring content over.
More often than not, content migrations need to be repeatable. This means that you write down your migration process....