What this book covers
Chapter 1, Overview of TDD, introduces the test-driven development, its life cycle, benefits, and myths.
Chapter 2, Testing Concepts, brings the TDD life cycle into action using Yahoo User Interface (YUI) Tests, and explains how unit testing can be done for JavaScript.
Chapter 3, Testing Tools, introduces JsUnit, QUnit, Karma, and DalekJS, which are some of the popular unit testing frameworks for JavaScript.
Chapter 4, Jasmine, introduces behavior-driven development and the Jasmine framework, its setup, usage, and customization, along with several features that a good unit testing framework should cover.
Chapter 5, JsTestDriver, showcases the JsTestDriver unit testing tool and its integration with IDE.
Chapter 6, Feature Detection, explores has.js and Modernizr JavaScript libraries for feature detection and explains why feature detection should have preference over browser detection.
Chapter 7, Observer Design Pattern, explains the observer pattern for JavaScript and its role in the test-driven development.
Chapter 8, Testing with Server-Side JS, covers server-side JavaScript unit testing using Node.js, Mocha, and Chai while using MongoDB as a database.
Chapter 9, Best Practices, lists best practices used to unit test JavaScript and also helps to make a good choice among popular unit testing frameworks and tools by explaining the features.