When the project is complete, the content view will display an Image view and a button contained in a VStack. This VStack will be embedded in a ZStack along with an instance of the MyImagePicker view. When the button is clicked, the MyImagePicker view will be made visible over the top of the VStack from which an image may be selected. Once the image has been selected, the image picker will be hidden from view and the selected image displayed on the Image view.
To make this work, two state property variables will be used, one for the image to be displayed and the other a Boolean value to control whether or not the image picker view is currently visible. Bindings for these two variables will be declared in the MyPickerView structure so that changes within the view controller are reflected within the main content view. With these requirements in mind, load the ContentView.swift file into the editor and modify it as follows:
struct ContentView: View {