Docker Engine, also required to build and run Docker containers, comes pre-installed with its own orchestrator. This orchestrator is Docker Swarm, and its main feature is high compatibility with existing Docker tools by using the Docker API.
Docker Swarm uses the concept of Services to manage health checks and autoscaling. It supports rolling upgrades of the services natively. Services are able to publish their ports, which will then be served by Swarm's load balancer. It supports storing configs as objects for runtime customization and has basic secret management built in.
Docker Swarm is much simpler and less extensible than Kubernetes. This could be an advantage if you do not want to learn about all the details of Kubernetes. However, the main disadvantage is a lack of popularity, which means it is harder to find relevant material about Docker Swarm.
One of the benefits of using Docker Swarm is that you don't have to learn new commands. If you're already...