SketchUp's native output
Let's get started immediately with some sketchy output. SketchUp has some fabulous built-in sketchy styles that you can always fall back on when you don't have the time or inclination to do anything more adventurous. Just because they're quick and easy to use doesn't mean they're not great. Other CAD software developers would kill to get automatic output this good.
Keep a settings diary
Often when you discover a great look in SketchUp, the perfect combination of styles, shadow, face, and background settings, you never remember how to recreate it the next time. So, why not keep a list at the back of your desk diary or even start a SketchUp notebook especially for this purpose?
All you need to know to get a great-looking sketchy output from SketchUp is how to access, and maybe modify, the built-in styles. These styles completely control how you view every aspect of what you see on screen:
Background color or image
Overlay or watermark
Sky and ground
Line thickness and...