Testing and validation
In the previous section, we learned how we can migrate data, metadata, ETL jobs, and workflows, but after the migration is complete, it's very much essential to validate the migration with a proper testing strategy.
Your options for data validation will vary based on the methodology you used for your migration. We previously explained the different phases of a migration where you migrate the data and metadata separately. So, let's now understand how you can validate the data quality for each of those phases.
Validating metadata quality
We discussed about migrating Hive and Oozie Metastore, and you can apply same knowledge to migrate Hue Metastore too. All of them integrate a relational database as their Metastore, which means we have the option of executing standard SQL statements to count records or validate data.
Let's look at a few of the options we can consider to validate our metadata migration:
- Relational data migration...