Just like Java, a package is a special container or object which contains/defines a set of objects, classes, and even packages. Every Scala file has the following automatically imported:
- java.lang._
- scala._
- scala.Predef._
The following is an example for basic imports:
// import only one member of a package
import java.io.File
// Import all members in a specific package
import java.io._
// Import many members in a single import statement
import java.io.{File, IOException, FileNotFoundException}
// Import many members in a multiple import statement
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileNotFoundException
import java.io.IOException
You can even rename a member while importing, and that's to avoid a collision between packages that have the same member name. This method is also called class alias:
import java.util.{List => UtilList}
import java.awt.{List...