Delivering training
There are a number of things to consider when delivering training. The considerations differ depending on the method of delivery. We will consider these in turn, starting with instructor-led training.
When delivering instructor-led training, you need to consider the following:
- Breaks: It is important to have regular breaks. It will help keep attendees focused if they know in advance when the breaks are as they will know when they can make calls and check emails.
- Ground rules: Sharing ground rules for the training at the start lets everyone know what is expected of them. This might include attendees shutting down email or silencing devices.
- No or silent devices: This will be influenced by your organizational culture, but you may consider asking attendees to hand over their phones at the beginning of the session. At a minimum, you will want to ask people to put their phones on silent.
- Parking lot: Explain the concept of a parking...