The I&A Event
The last formal event of the PI is the I&A event. This is a three-part event that occurs during the IP Iteration before PI Planning. The three parts are the PI System Demo, Quantitative and Qualitative Measurement, and the Retrospective and Problem-Solving Workshop. All ART members and Stakeholders participate. The intent of the event is to foster relentless improvement and drive a Continuous Learning Culture.
The PI System Demo
The PI System Demo is the first part of I&A. This demo shows all the Features that the ART developed during the PI. It is different from the Iteration System Demos in that the audience is broader and the demo tends to be more customer-focused and polished.
This demo should tell a story. Explain and show the customers’ journey to using the Features that were developed. We expect this demo to take about 1 hour. There is no requirement that every team presents individually.
Product Management typically leads this demo...