Code generation
There are many other ways to write code rather than simply pressing keys on your keyboard. ReSharper comes with many features that can generate code for you. You can find some of these features directly in Visual Studio but ReSharper comes with more. Even if ReSharper comes with some feature that exists in Visual Studio, ReSharper provides more user-friendly ways to use it.
Generating code for non-existent objects
Usually, when you are designing a class in your project, you start by writing complete code, such as class name, properties, and functions. When you are done, you can use that class in your application.
What if I told you there is a different way?
How about you start using your class before creating it and then let ReSharper create what you need?
This is a standard approach when you write applications using Test Driven Design (TDD).
As the best way to learn something is to start doing it, we will show you how ReSharper helps with generating code.
Let's open Visual Studio...