Testing JavaScript
ReSharper can also support you in writing unit tests in JavaScript.
Running JavaScript unit tests
There are many different frameworks that allow you to write unit tests for JavaScript. The most popular ones are QUnit and Jasmine. What is really cool is that both are supported by ReSharper. It means that you can run them in the same way that you run C# tests written in NUnit or other frameworks. Very nice, isn't it?
A sample unit test written in QUnit is shown in the following screenshot:

As you can see, ReSharper recognizes and marks unit tests in the same way as they were with NUnit. Even the available menu options are the same.
When you write unit tests in JavaScript, you need to add a reference to the file that contains the tested methods. You can see a sample reference in the previous screenshot, which looks as follows:
/// <reference path="Utilities.js"/>
ReSharper needs to know where the code that you are testing is placed. You do the same in C# but with the using...