Tips and tricks that can help while taking the test
First, let’s start with something that can make your life easier right from the start. Read all of the directions from top to bottom. The reason I say this is because it can save you time if it tells you something specific that can be omitted from repetition, such as only doing things on certain servers. It will also let you know how things will be graded. By reading the directions, you will understand your test environment better and be prepared to dive head-first into the material. Anywhere you can save time is a win.
Speaking of time, utilize the full 4 hours for the exam. Do not try and rush it to wrap it up sooner; you are not graded on the time it takes other than that 4-hour window, which is all the time you are allotted for the exam. It will shut down your access to the exam when the timer hits 0. Do not let a question rob you of time. If you are better at other items, do those first and come back to the tougher...