Language mechanics in C#
We’ve mentioned already that C# is strictly an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. OOP languages support a set of abstract features, which you need to understand before we can continue. Firstly, OOP languages organize code differently than procedural languages. In OOP, we model elements from the real-world using code. The real-world elements are described using properties, methods, and events.
For example, if I were modeling a circle, I might give it a set of properties as seen in Figure A1.3:
Figure A1.4: A circle, like anything else, can be represented by describing it as a set of properties
Using these properties, I can describe any circle I might want to draw on the screen in my program.
Effectively, properties are variables that belong to the circle. They contain the data that describes the circle. When describing a variable that belongs to an object, you refer to these as properties, member variables, or members...