It will never be perfect but it will be close
There comes a time when you have to stop developing and start deploying.
It was once said that every project reaches 98 percent completion and stays there. Most projects eventually go live, but development is a continuous process in almost every case.
So, you have built a great looking, robust, and powerful QlikView application. It's been deployed to production, it runs well, and users think you're a genius (and of course you are!). Now what? Well, there is always one more thing you can do. And one more after that.
How to do it
It is more or less inevitable that users will ask for improvements or new features when an application has been in use for a while. This may even happen within days of it going live. Business rarely stands still for long, so there may be operational reasons for changes to applications, but we're yet to see an installation where applications are never ever touched after they are live.