Exploring Dashing
Dashing is a framework for creating reporting dashboards quickly, easily, and with minimal understanding of frontend development. Under the hood, it uses the Sinatra framework to deal with the servicing of incoming web requests and uses Ruby for backend data processing, with a language called CoffeeScript dealing with the frontend.
Sinatra is a framework for creating web applications in Ruby and is similar to the well-known Ruby on Rails project. Unlike the more fully-featured Ruby on Rails, Sinatra focuses on providing a very lightweight framework that allows you to use mostly plain old Ruby to develop your application; this is in contrast to Ruby on Rails, which also provides a more rigid framework but a far more extensive set of features.
You can download Dashing from http://shopify.github.io/dashing/. At present, it hasn't got an extensive set of documentation, but you can find some good additional details on the project's wiki page at https://github.com/Shopify...