Understanding the bright future of React Native
When deciding which technology to use, it always plays an important role in how future-proof this technology is. This is especially important in long-running large-scale enterprise projects. So, I decided to end this book with some arguments as to why you can be absolutely sure that React Native is a good choice.
This is particularly interesting because the last years haven’t always been easy for React Native developers. With Flutter, which is based on the very performant two-dimensional (2D) graphics engine Skia, a new solution for cross-platform development emerged and created a huge hype.
Native development got more and more comfortable with the rise of Kotlin and Swift. React Native in the meantime didn’t evolve much. The long-promised refactoring (new architecture), first announced for 2020, took much more time than expected. Some developers started losing faith in React Native.
But this changed in 2022. Now...